понедельник, 4 декабря 2017 г.

Work Out With Weights

Work Out With Weights
Work Out With Weights
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography

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The secret to melting pounds is a strong foundation, and the best way to build muscle is with weights. "When you're doing weight training, it's not so much about burning calories; it's about gaining as much muscle as possible," explains trainer Tia Falcone, who helped 2014 Miss America Nina Davuluri lose over 50 pounds. "All women need to gain as much muscle as humanly possible; that’s what’s going to make you smaller, and it raises your base metabolism permanently." Don't worry about weight training bulking you up — in fact, picking up a pair of hefty weights will actually slim you down faster than forgoing the weight room altogether.

Original article and pictures take media1.popsugar-assets.com site

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