четверг, 23 ноября 2017 г.

What My Workouts Have Been Looking Like

What My Workouts Have Been Looking Like

I’ve got 5 incredible at home circuit workouts to share with you today! Just grab some dumbbells and you’re ready to GO get it done!

I feel workouts is absolutely one area of my blog that has reeeeeally changed over the past few years.

Back in the day, I used to post about my workouts almost daily. It was just a major part of my life, and my blog, so that’s just what turned out to be my “norm.” Fast-forward to now and yes, my workouts are definitely still an important part of my life, but it’s just not something I wind up talking about all that often.

Be sure to check out my updated workout page with ALL of my favorite circuit workouts, treadmill workouts, and more!!

Do you guys even want to know what I’m doing these days? Or is that totally not interesting? I know there are plenty of other awesome blogs out there doing the workout thang!

Well, regardless, I thought I’d still go ahead today and share some of the workouts I’ve been trying out lately. Like I mentioned before, since we’ve moved in with our friends, it’s been awesome to be able to have a mini gym at my disposal. It has given me the opportunity to shake up my routine a bit more, and is allowing me to work some different muscles in different ways than I’ve been used to.

5 Incredible At Home Circuit Workouts

The first thing I did was hop on Pinterest (you following?!) and started searching for full body circuit workouts with dumbbells. I found a TON, but here are a few that really caught my eye and looked good enough for me to pin and try out.

This full body circuit workout with weights (<—with instructions on how to do each move!) was awesome. I first did it maybe a week or so ago, and I’m thinking I may wind up doing it again tomorrow.

Grab a set of weights and get ready to work your butt, back, legs, core — and just about every other part of your body!

This full body bikini shape-up circuit with weights was a fun one! I did two sets of each of the three circuits (due to time more than anything else) and I definitely felt like it worked the whole body by the time all was said and done.

Bikini Shape-Up Circuit With Weights

This circuit workout with weights (<—instructions on how to do each exercise there!) was a pretty good one. Some of the moves aren’t my favorites, but overall, it was still a solid workout and one I’d likely do again.

Workout with weights to help strengthen your core

This full body dumbbell circuit was another good one I just did yesterday morning. I only had enough time to do two sets of each circuit instead of three, but I was still feelin’ the burn!

This short Bum bell routine is a great home workout! Burn fat build muscle, use weight amount according to your ability. Put some music on and have some fun doing it!

I love Presley. And I also love her dumbbell combo circuit. Compound moves are one of my favorites…work more muscles at once, get a better burn!

dumbbell circuit workout

I’ve also been checking out some of my older circuit workouts, including:

I’ve still been incorporating some of the various Beachbody workouts that I have a day or two a week (mostly PiYo and T25 Gamma lately), so having the full variety has been awesome. It’s making me think that I’m really going to need to find some new equipment so we can create our own home gym soon!

So I’m curious…

  • How many of you workout at home?
  • How many of you are gym-goers?
  • What is your FAVORITE workout right now?

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Original article and pictures take www.sweettoothsweetlife.com site

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