воскресенье, 12 ноября 2017 г.

Walk Off 10 Pounds in 3 Weeks

Walk Off 10 Pounds in 3 Weeks

We love walking, too

We tapped top Los Angeles–based trainer and star of more than 40 fitness DVDs, Keli Roberts, to create the ultimate ditch-the-flab walking routine that gives big results in little time. "It’s the most effective way to train because it targets your whole body," Roberts says. "To get the most out of the plan walk tall with your shoulders down and back, and keep some tightness in your core."

Aim for a total of five workouts per week: Do the Strength-Cardio Circuit two times (but not on consecutive days), Speed-Burst Intervals one to two times, and Long-Hill Intervals one to two times.

Strength-cardio circuit

Warm up by walking 10 minutes at a challenging but comfortable pace, building to fast walking for the last minute. As your body begins to loosen, do a few shoulder circles, arm circles, and side-to-side upper-body twists as you walk. Next, go through the circuit 3 times.

Do each move for 60 seconds, then walk fast for 1 minute before beginning the next move. Afterward, cool down with 5 minutes of easy walking.

Plank pair

Get into plank position with your hands on a low fence or park bench. Engage your core and lift your hips so your body forms a straight, diagonal line from head to toe. Hold for 10 seconds, then shift your weight to your right hand and rotate your body to face toward the left, stacking your feet and extending your left arm out so your body forms a slanted T shape in side-plank position.

Hold for 10 seconds, then return to plank position and repeat on the opposite side. Come back into plank position again, hold for 10 seconds, then come back to standing.

Long-hill intervals

To warm up, walk briskly on a mostly flat surface for 10 minutes. Begin walking up a moderately steep hill (the longer the hill, the better). Walk up at a hard pace—it should feel challenging and slightly uncomfortable: You shouldn’t be able to speak a full sentence (but don’t push so intensely that you’re breathless).

When you reach the top, immediately walk back down the hill; as soon as you get to the bottom of the hill, walk back up it. Repeat for a total of 25 minutes, then walk at an easy pace for 5 minutes to cool down.

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Original article and pictures take www.health.com site

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