пятница, 1 сентября 2017 г.

These 16 Bodyweight Moves Are All You Need To Get In Shape

These 16 Bodyweight Moves Are All You Need To Get In Shape

With the start of the New Year and Resolution Mania, it can be tempting to sign up for every boutique spin session or CrossFit class you can find. And while we're all for trying new things in the name of fitness (helloooo naked yoga), we're all in favor of getting back to basics and sticking with what works.

Bodyweight training is a great way to do what you can, when you can. (Ain't no shame in that tricep-dips-at-your-desk game.) You don't need to belong to a fancy gym or have access to the SoulCycles and Equinoxes of the fitness world to get yourself whipped into shape. All you need is your own body—and a towel, because you're bout to break a serious sweat.

These tried, true and sure-to-kick-your-booty moves from the instructors at The Barre Code don't require any equipment or complicated props. You can do them all in the comfort of your own living room and treat the exercises as a start-to-finish series or pick and choose, doing each move whenever you can throughout your day. So go ahead and cue up the Hamilton cast album or The Real Housewives of Wherever and get ready to feel the burn.

Get the upper body warmed up with a Forearm Plank Roller — 10 reps on each side

Get the upper body warmed up with a Forearm Plank Roller — 10 reps on each side

Start in a forearm plank with arms stacked. Using the obliques, rotate to a side plank, opening up your top arm into a muscle man position (like you're flexing). Return to your starting position and rotate to the other side. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Original article and pictures take www.self.com site

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