четверг, 22 декабря 2016 г.

Medicine Ball Cardio Workout

Medicine Ball Cardio Workout

Being a paleo enthusiast, I’m pretty sure this workout would be considered paleo too. Think about it, caveman didn’t have free weights, they had rocks – that they likely used as medicine balls. Cavemen and modern (wo)men have worked out with medicine ball for centuries, and they all love this medicine ball cardio workout.

Using a medicine ball to incorporate strength training into a heart-rate blasting cardio session is the perfect way to burn calories FAST! Try this medicine ball cardio workout at the gym and vary up the weight to keep your muscles guessing!

I don’t think cavemen did burpees though…I’m pretty sure their cardio was running from dinosaurs and stuff. Speaking of dinosaurs, my son is totally in to them right now. We’ll be in the car, peacefully driving to (insert destination here), and he’ll bust out the loudest ‘RAAAWRRRR!!!!’, waking the baby and causing us all distress. It’s cute and annoying at the same time. Toddlers have Turrets Syndrome, I’m convinced of this.

Anyway, back to the workout. I love grabbing a few weighted medicine balls (or slam balls) at the gym and getting it DONE. This cardio workout blasts your heart rate but also really targets a very specific part of your body. Can you guess what it is? See the end of this post for the answer.

Take your cardio to another level by completing each set for 40 seconds, with a 20 second rest in between. Complete four total rounds for an effective but quick 32-minute workout!

Medicine Ball Cardio Workout

Slam Ball Hops

Medicine ball cardio workout - slam ball hops

Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Take hold of the ball and lift it above your head. Next, slam the ball to the ground as you bend your knees slightly then immediately jump over the ball, landing softly with your knees still slightly bent. Turn around and grab the ball to repeat the same sequence.

Squat to Overhead Press Knee Lifts

Medicine ball cardio workout - squat to lifted leg shoulder press

Start in a squat position and hold the ball directly in front of your chest. Next, extend your knees as you lift your right knee up towards your right shoulder, simultaneously lifting the ball overhead. Bend back to the squat position and repeat on your left side.

Forward Lunge Twists

Medicine ball cardio workout - walking lunge twists

Start with your feet together, ball held in front of your chest. Step forward with your right foot as you twist your upper body to the right. Step together, then step forward with your left foot and twist to the left.

Ball Toss to Burpee

Medicine ball cardio workout - medicine ball burpees

Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, holding the ball in front of your chest. Next, toss the ball overhead, catch it, then release it to the ground. Place your palms on the ground directly on each side of the ball and jump your feet behind your body to execute a burpee. As you bring your feet up towards your chest to stand upright, take hold of the ball and repeat the toss/burpee sequence.

Chair Sit Overhead Press

Medicine ball cardio workout - chair sit overhead press

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend into a squat position while holding the ball in front of your chest. Hold the static lunge as you lift the ball overhead, then back down to your chest, keeping your chest lifted and knees bent the entire time.

Wall Toss

Medicine ball cardio workout - wall toss

*You may need a lighter ball or a large, soft medicine ball to execute this exercise. Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and bend into a deep squat while holding the ball in front of your chest. Extend your knees and throw the ball against the wall as high as you can. As you catch the ball, bend back into the squat.

Russian Twists

Medicine ball cardio workout - russian twists

Sit on the ground and hold the ball directly in front of your chest. Lift your feet off the ground and lean back slightly. Keeping your feet off the ground, twist your body to the right, hovering the ball just off the ground, then twist your body to the left and repeat.

Standing Cardio Abs

Medicine ball cardio workout - standing cardio crunches

Start with you feet apart, weight distributed on you right leg, left leg extended behind your body (slight forward lunge). Lift the ball above your head and lean forward slightly. Next, press your left knee in towards your chest as you bring the ball in towards your chest. Do this as fast as you can. Switch sides with each new 40-second round.

Repeat 4 times through.

Did you guess what area this workout gives an extra focus to? SHOULDERS! All those overhead presses will sculpt and shape your shoulders like craaaaaazy. Love that toned-upper body look? Try these workouts: 8 moves to banish back fat, buff lady arms, quad and shoulder scorcher.

Now doesn’t that little ball look so much easier than hauling/tossing/twisting with a caveman rock?

Original article and pictures take physicalkitchness.com site

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