понедельник, 15 мая 2017 г.

The 10 Best Kettlebell Exercises To Incinerate Fat & Blast Your Muscles

The 10 Best Kettlebell Exercises To Incinerate Fat & Blast Your Muscles
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If you’re looking for a muscle-blasting, fat-churning way to supercharge your workouts, look no further than the majestic kettlebell. They’re the closest thing you’ll find to a fat-incinerating machine.

Contrary to popular belief or what some people might tell you, kettlebells are not just a glorified, funny-looking dumbbell. Or a tool that’s exclusively for the CrossFit obsessed.

They have a major place in every gym and workout routine.

Given their construction, kettlebells are dynamic in nature. They’re extremely conducive to and advantageous for explosive exercises (ones where force transfer is paramount); the majority of which infuse movement and athletics, and incorporate elements of acceleration, power, and velocity.1

Because of that, kettlebell exercises tend to be faster and higher intensity, which directly leads to increased fat-burning ability, spiked heart rate and metabolism (think HIIT and EPOC), better coordination, and a higher volume and range of muscle fibers firing all at once.

Most kettlebell exercises hit dozens of muscles in one fell swoop. Efficiency.

Examine your workouts. If you’re someone that predominantly relies on (A) dumbbells and barbells, and (B) traditional, static, single-joint resistance training (read: movements where your body doesn’t move or work in multiple different directions), kettlebells can provide a massive boost and help round out your physique.

They’ll make it more athletic and functional, too.

To set you off in a kettlebell frenzy we’ve compiled 10 of the best kettlebell exercises. Consider them your foundation. Use them to crank up the intensity, annihilate your muscles, burn more fat, and build an athletic physique that’s functional AND looks incredible.

The 10 Best Kettlebell Exercises To Incinerate Fat & Blast Your Muscles

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Kettlebells function differently than dumbbells and barbells, as they’re most effective with longer prolonged sets that include a higher number reps. It’s all about getting into a flow or rhythm, and blasting your muscles—and stored fat—as hard as possible for a given duration of time.

One of my favorite kettlebell techniques is to set a timer for 1-2 minutes and blast out as many reps as possible with a given weight.

You’ll gradually ramp up the intensity, progressively increase your heart rate, and build into a deep, slow burn that’ll pour through your muscles.

Let the sweat waterfall off.

*Click each ab exercise name for a video demo.

Kettlebell Exercise #1: Kettlebell Swings

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Kettlebell Swings are the foundational kettlebell exercise, and one of the most complete exercises available in any workout arsenal. Swings smash just about every muscle throughout the body—including the shoulders, back, abs, butt, and legs—pump up the heart rate, and eviscerate body fat.

They’re extremely metabolic and one of the cornerstone moves that can help improve CV health and rip up any physique.

  • How To: Squat down with a kettlebell in between your legs. Grab the handle, dip down, powerfully explode up and thrust your hips, and swing the kettlebell up to face height. Allow it to fall back down in between your legs and repeat without stopping.
  • Protocol: 25 reps or 1 minute per arm
  • Target Muscle(s): Shoulders, Core, Butt, Legs, Back

You can also do swings with two hands and use a heavier weight.

Original article and pictures take www.leanitup.com site

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